Artvent Calendar Door #23: Xyleste

This is the last private order I want to show you for this year. From now on, by the way, I will enclose an individual certificate of authenticity with all my works, so that there will be no ambiguities in…
This is the last private order I want to show you for this year. From now on, by the way, I will enclose an individual certificate of authenticity with all my works, so that there will be no ambiguities in…
One of my most enjoyable Aventurian private commissions! =) More about this lovely family on the picture tell you Finjan’s and Peranka’s players Markus and Jenny. I wish you both a VERY Happy christmas time! =) Peranka rümpfte die Nase,…
As announced, Wulf and Niobara from the hunting pack in door #5 make a comeback … this time in color. In addition, the picture is literary staged by Sarah Röll, the player of Niobara. Have I mentioned how happy and…
This illustration was a private commission and a birthday gift to the nice man pictured on it. Here he is seen as his LARP character Neerjan Arauken. More about the likeable Hesinde-consecrated tells you his player Florian Anetzberger. (More pictures…
This is also a commission that was a gift for a wedding couple, this time in colour. Bride and groom are DSA-players, so they are depicted in the clothes of their characters, a witch and a grey mage. In the…
Right after individual portraits of heroes from Aventuria, the immortalization of groups of heroes enjoys particular popularity among my private clients. And so some wild bunch already had to take a break between their adventures and hold still, so that…
It’s that time again: Advent has come and with it my annual “Artvent Calendar”. As always, illustrations await you that I have collected throughout the year and kept to finally be able to show them now. ( The post photo…
Blei- und Filzstift auf Papier, A3, 2020 Caution: English description below! Dieses Bild ist ein klassischer privater Auftrag einer Pen & Paper-Rollenspiel-Gruppe. In diesem Fall von DSA-Charakteren des Horasreiches. Dazu die Spieler: Monzcarro Murcato (links im Bild) lernte die Fechtkunst unter…
Bleistift, je 16 x 22,5 cm, 2019 Fortsetzung zu Türchen 13 und Türchen 19. :-)
Bleistift, ca. A3, 2019 Privatauftrag einer aventurischen Heldengruppe.
Bleistift, je 16 x 22,5 cm, 2019 Hier handelt es sich um einen Privatauftrag, an dem ich aktuell arbeite. Die Reihe besteht am Ende aus sechs Bildern, die einzeln funktionieren sollen, aber zusammengesetzt ein fortlaufendes Motiv bilden können. Tatsächlich geht…
Aquarell & Airbrush, digitaler Hintergrund, ca. A4 hoch, 2019 Privater Auftrag eines DSA-Charakters. :-)